What Are Chondroblasts

Chondroblasts are essential cells in cartilage formation. They manage the synthesis and maintenance of the cartilage's extracellular matrix, primarily ensuring the integrity of the intercellular substance through collagen and elastin protein production.

In adults, the joint cartilage's capacity for proliferation, division, and repair is limited. Through autologous chondroblast treatments, chondroblasts sourced from a patient's healthy cartilage biopsy are cultivated under stringent lab conditions and then introduced to the injured region.

How to obtain healthy tissue?

A cartilage biopsy of 1-3 mm3 volume is taken arthroscopically by an expert physician. The chondroblasts present in the obtained cartilage tissue are isolated in a laboratory setting. The isolated chondroblasts are then multiplied and prepared for use. Achieving the desired number of chondroblast cells takes approximately 4-6 weeks.

Final Product:

Chondroblast: Injectable suspension form, ready for injection.

Chondro-Membrane: Collagen-based membrane with type 2 collagen or a similar structure, impregnated for optimal performance.

Chondro Membrane

At our center, we cultivate chondroblast cells that can be provided as a cell suspension for medical applications. These cells can be integrated into a type 2 collagen-based membrane or a similar structure, designed specifically for surgical implantation into the injured region.

Chondrocytes - Chondro membrane Applications

- Femoral condyle injuries

- Stage 3 and 4 cartilage injuries

- Cartilage damage

- Tendon injuries, tendonitis issues

- Joint degenerations

- Sports injuries

- Ankle, shoulder, elbow

*Applicable for patients between the ages of 15 and 55.*